
Department of Chemistry


Department was started since the inception of the Institute, 1965. It has sufficient infrastructure to run the under graduate and post graduate courses. Faculty members of the Department are actively engaged in both teaching and Research work. The department also provides the theoretical and laboratory courses of Engineering Chemistry to 1st, 2nd semesters of engineering undergraduates (B.Tech) and Physical Chemistry to the 4th semester engineering undergraduates of Chemical branch. The department now offers five years BS-MS dual degree programme in Chemistry. Along with the B.Tech classes, PhD and MSc. program is also offered by the department. Institute Post doctoral fellowships will be provided to those who are willing to do research work after doing PhD. The faculty member and Research scholars of the Department are devoted to research activities in different fields of chemistry viz.

  • Natural products
  • Organic synthesis
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Coordination / Supra molecular Chemistry
  • Bioinorganic chemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Nanotechnology
  • Sensor technology


The department currently offers the following courses

Sl No Course Name Duration Intake Admission Qualifying Degree
1 M.Sc in Chemistry 2 Years 10 Through Institute Test B.Sc
2 B.S-M.S (Dual Degree) in Chemistry 5 Years 20 Through JEE / Institute Test Higher Secondary (+2)
3 Ph.D     Twice a year through Institute Test M.Sc
4 Post Doctoral Fellowship     Through Interview Ph.D